26 November 2007

2008 FGS Membership Dues

The Florida Genealogical Society's membership dues are due very soon! Membership runs from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008 and rates are $20.00 for individuals and $25.00 for households.

The FGS membership application is available by clicking on the link in the right-hand column of our Web site or it can be accessed directly at http://www.rootsweb.com/~flfgs/FGS_member_appl_June_2007.pdf. You can also pay at our Holiday Party at Amil and Loraine Rose's home on December 15th. We'll have membership registration forms on hand so that you can provide us with your most current and complete information.

We have some tremendous educational programs and other events in mind for 2008 in order to celebrate our society's FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY! Be sure to renew your subscription and bring other genealogy friends into the society this coming year.

The Florida Genealogical Society in Tampa is the oldest continuously operating genealogical society in the State of Florida and we will make this a banner year in every way possible!