29 March 2008
FGS Program for 19 April 2008
FGS is pleased to present Lebanese-American author Raff Ellis in a program titled Kisses from a Distance on Saturday, 19 April 2008, at 10:30 a.m. in the Auditorium of the John F. Germany Public Library at 900 N. Ashley Boulevard in downtown Tampa. The program title is taken from his exhaustively researched book of the same name. It is a story that began with 200 of his mother's letters, written between 1925 and 1990, and traced the family's stories and heritage. It is the quintessential tale of emigrant families who left their homes in the Middle East near the turn of the 20th century, their struggles for acceptance, fighting discrimination, and building a new life in America. It is a beautifully written book that is relevant to all of us, regardless of our origins, and proves the power of research and discovery in producing a truly fine family history. Mr. Ellis' book will be available at the meeting. Join us for this great presentation!