22 February 2010

News from Other Societies - Lee County Genealogical Society

You are invited to register for our Spring Half-Day Seminar featuring Pamela J. Cooper, Supervisor of the Archive Center and Genealogy Department of the Indian River County Public Library in Vero Beach, on Saturday, April 10, 2010.

The seminar’s theme of “CENSUS – CENSUS – CENSUS” will focus on the sometimes unlooked at information in the U.S. Federal Census. Pam’s two programs are:

1790-1840 Censuses – The Surveys of Chickens, Ducks, and Geese


The United States Population Schedules 1850-1930

The Seminar Fee is $5.00 which includes all topic related materials and refreshments. Attendees must pre-register no later than Wednesday, March 31, 2010. No walk-ins will be permitted.

Download the registration form at http://lcgsfl.org/mbr_ul/events/PamCooperregistrationform02212010.pdf mail it to my attention. Email confirmation will be returned upon receipt of your registration fee.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Carol Rooksby Weidlich

President, Membership Chair and Webmaster

Lee County Genealogical Society, Inc.
